Wednesday, September 29

Pumpkin Bread - Take 2

What a difference a cranberry makes. With the second batch, I ditched the walnuts on top and added about 1/3 cup of cranberries. I am a huge fan of walnuts, but for some reason, they just didn't work with this pumpkin bread recipe.  The cranberries added a great pop of flavor and sweetness.  As my girlfriend says, "it tastes like fall!".  I ran out of time & didn't get to ice the top...maybe I will tomorrow night.  

Tonight I also whipped up a half batch of ginger snap batter and put it in the fridge...cookies tomorrow!  Another fall favorite. 

Here is a picture of the un-iced, but sampled pumpkin bread:  

I know it looks a little squatty.  I think when I divided the batter, the first loaf may have been bigger.  Otherwise, it was delish.  Moist and full of flavor. 

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